Thermomix Worcestershire Sauce

Happy Christmas Eve everybody!!
Flicking through recipes looking for a couple of last minute gifts to make to share with my husband’s family at the Christmas table tomorrow, I discovered another one of Jan’s amazing recipes which fits the brief to a tee – easy, I have all the ingredient here and it does not need me to do much!! I thought I would take time out to share this recipe with you in case you leave things to the last minute like me!!
I have also been lucky enough to have been sent Alyce Alexandra’s latest cookbook “Recipes From Our Cooking School” to gift to you. What great timing with Christmas here! I thought it would be fun to find out what you would like to know more about so all you need to do to win this book is comment below on what recipe, tips or theme you would like to see at a Thermomix cooking class. The winner will be drawn randomly by the number of their comment. ** Please note this prize has now been drawn….congratulations to Susie ** Should you like more information on Alyce’s cookbook you can do so here. I always think a quick game is a good game so entries for the draw will cut off at 10 pm Perth time tonight (24 December 2015). Feel free to keep the comments rolling in after that date however they will not be eligible for the prize.
Thank you for your awesome support for me and this page, even though the posts are spasmodic! I will continue to update when I can however I trust the content on the bl...
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Easy Buttermilk Scones Recipe #shorts |
Stuffed Peppers That Look Like a Mini Jack o? Lantern
31-10-2024 03:55 - (
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