Beetroot, Dill & Caraway Rye Bread
Joanna over at Gourmet Green Giraffe has a painful account of struggling with the directions to make this wonderful bread which she found in New Recipes from the Moosewood Restaurant. This is a beautiful bread to look at and to eat, the beetroot pieces glisten a vibrant ruby when you slice it. With the fragrances of dill, caraway and molasses, it can be difficult to decide if this is a sweet or savoury loaf - you choose, either way it is delicious. My apologies to everyone involved for further simplifying the method, I don't think it compromises the finished product too much and it is certainly easy to make doing it like this with the Thermomix. The most difficult part of the recipe is waiting for the dough to prove for two hours. And thanks to Joanna for bringing this one to the light of day. For a lighter bread grind up whole wheat, but if you are a dedicated rye lover then go with the whole rye grain and enjoy a heavier texture. Beetroot, Dill & Caraway Rye breadIngredients100g rye grain (or any other whole grain eg wheat or spelt) 1 beetroot (150-200g) peeled and quartered
15g fresh dill2 teaspoons of caraway seeds300g bakers flour100g rye flour40g blackstrap molasses100g boiling water100g room temperature water20g olive oil1 sachet of instant yeast (7grams)1 teaspoon of salt
MethodMeasure grain into your thermomix bowl and mill on speed 10 for 40 secondsPut the resulting flour to one side in a bowl.Place your dill and beetroot in the Thermomix bowl and grate on ...
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