Half Calorie Rice – Is It For Real"
The first time a reader asked me about half calorie rice, I’d never heard of it before.
But so many of you have been emailing or leaving comments asking for my thoughts on the half calorie rice trend that I figured it was best to just write a post on it.
(Because I know someone is going to ask? For more on why I make low-calorie recipes even though I?m not counting calories, be sure to read my Katie FAQ Page.)
What Is Half Calorie Rice"
Basically, researchers discovered that if you add a teaspoon of oil when cooking rice, it actually decreases the calories.
A study from the College of Chemical Sciences in Colombo, Sri Lanka found that cooking rice with oil and then letting it sit for 12 hours increased its resistant starch and lowered its calorie count by as much as 60 percent. The indigestible starch formed during the cooling process prevents some of the rice from being metabolized into glucose during digestion. And reheating won?t increase the calories again, so after letting the rice cool overnight you can season it and reheat as desired. Why Half Calorie Rice"
Hopefully, if you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I believe in the importance of a balanced diet and am not a fan of weight-loss gimmicks. Unless your diet is made up entirely of rice?and I do know some people who wouldn?t mind this (Hi, Dad!)?saving calories on just one item might not really change much for you. But the results of the study have possibly bigger implications that coul...
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Stuffed Peppers That Look Like a Mini Jack o? Lantern
31-10-2024 03:55 - (
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